Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino CA

It’s Possible You Don’t Know as Much About Filing Bankruptcy as You Think: The Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino

You might be concerned that declaring bankruptcy because you believe it will force you to sell all of your possessions. While Chapter 7 bankruptcy does necessitate the sale of some assets, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a less severe option. You can apply for debt relief through this program while making monthly payments according to a court-approved schedule.

Contact the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino CA to discover more about your choices and how you can go ahead. We at Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi can assist you in determining whether or not this choice is appropriate for you. If that’s the case, a professional attorney might assist you in gathering the essential paperwork and overseeing the debt relief procedure. To get started, call (909) 552-1238 right now.

Getting through the bankruptcy process with the help of the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino CA

Choosing to bankruptcy is only the beginning of your debt relief journey. To begin the procedure, debtors must provide the court with a substantial quantity of information. This information aids the court in calculating the petitioner’s monthly payment by determining the amount of disposable income he or she has. Paystubs, a list of current obligations, a list of assets, and profit/loss statements are examples of this data.

Individuals and couples will also need to take a credit counseling course that has been authorized. These courses are delivered entirely online over the course of two sessions. The credit agency will provide a certificate of completion at the end of the course, which the petitioners must attach to their bankruptcy case. The court will grant an automatic stay if it gets a legitimate petition. This prevents any current collecting attempts from continuing, as well as the start of any new ones.

Today is the day to contact the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino CA

The threat of foreclosure and other debt collection methods is terrifying for any homeowner or debtor. If a bank or another lender initiated legal proceedings to seize your home. It is essential that you be ready to fight back. If it has not gotten that far yet, then now is the time to take action and prevent further action against you.

Filing bankruptcy will be an immediate stop to all foreclosure and debt collection efforts. Do not wait – contact Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi today at (909) 552-1238 to request a free legal consultation with the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in San Bernardino CA.

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