Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA

You’re in a Tough Spot, but a Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA Can Help

There are few things that are more stressful than being in debt. Whether this debt is affecting your personal finances or threatening to bankrupt your organization, finding a sensible solution is critical. Working with a Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA might help you protect yourself from mounting debt.

A bankruptcy case might provide several short- and long-term advantages. A lawyer may be able to assist you in obtaining debt relief. A knowledgeable attorney might help you define your objectives, pick a bankruptcy strategy, and file a full and correct bankruptcy petition with the court. To get started right immediately, call Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi at (909) 552-1238.

The bankruptcy process – let your Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA help you through it

Choosing to pursue 13 bankruptcy is only the first step toward debt relief. To initiate the process, debtors must submit a significant amount of information to the court. In every case, the bankruptcy court requests detailed financial data. This information helps the court determine the amount of disposable income the petitioner has to calculate their monthly payment. This data may include paystubs, a list of current debts, a list of assets, and profit/loss statements.

Individuals and couples will also need to complete an approved credit counseling course. These courses take place entirely online in two sessions. At the end of the course, the credit agency will issue a certificate of completion that the petitioners must attach to their bankruptcy petition.

Once the court receives a valid petition, it will issue an automatic stay. This prevents any current collection efforts from moving forward and prohibits the initiation of any new efforts.

Allow a Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA to assist you

The bankruptcy procedure can provide you with both immediate and long-term financial relief. However, this is a time-consuming procedure that necessitates a great deal of effort and attention to detail.

During this difficult moment in your life, Bankruptcy Attorney Chapter 7 in Corona CA may be able to help. Our firm might assist you in gathering important papers and filing a detailed bankruptcy petition on your behalf with the bankruptcy court. To schedule a consultation, please contact our office now by calling Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi directly at (909) 552-1238.

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