Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA

You Are in a Difficult Situation but the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA Can Help

There are few situations more stressful than facing overwhelming debt. Whether this debt affects your individual finances or threatens to bring your company to the point of insolvency, seeking out a reasonable alternative is of paramount importance. Working with the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA can be a useful way to protect yourself from looming debt.

A bankruptcy case can offer many immediate and long-term benefits. A lawyer could help you obtain relief from overwhelming debt. A skilled attorney could work with you to understand your goals, choose a bankruptcy plan, and submit a complete and accurate petition to the court. Contact Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi at (909) 552-1238 to get started right away.

The bankruptcy process – let your Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA help you through it

Choosing to pursue 13 bankruptcy is only the first step toward debt relief. To initiate the process, debtors must submit a significant amount of information to the court. In every case, the bankruptcy court requests detailed financial data. This information helps the court determine the amount of disposable income the petitioner has to calculate their monthly payment. This data may include paystubs, a list of current debts, a list of assets, and profit/loss statements.

Individuals and couples will also need to complete an approved credit counseling course. These courses take place entirely online in two sessions. At the end of the course, the credit agency will issue a certificate of completion that the petitioners must attach to their bankruptcy petition.

Once the court receives a valid petition, it will issue an automatic stay. This prevents any current collection efforts from moving forward and prohibits the initiation of any new efforts.

Today is the day to contact the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA

The threat of foreclosure and other debt collection methods is terrifying for any homeowner or debtor. If a bank or another lender initiated legal proceedings to seize your home. It is essential that you be ready to fight back. If it has not gotten that far yet, then now is the time to take action and prevent further action against you.

Filing bankruptcy will be an immediate stop to all foreclosure and debt collection efforts. Do not wait – contact Law Offices of Terrence Fantauzzi today at (909) 552-1238 to request a free legal consultation with the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Bloomington CA.

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